I'm sorry gentle readers (Lois, Beth & Nic, Melissa), but I haven't eaten anywhere spectacular lately. I'm hoping to knock out something this week, though. I'm hoping to make it to the State Fair, and try the food booths for the best (and worst) of the Fair Foods.
And just to be fair (heh heh, get it, since I was JUST blogging about the State Fair, now I've used "fair" in another way), here's the link to the Dallas Morning News food blog EATS. It's pretty good, if you like eating at expensive douchy places like Craft and Loft 610....sigh....I'd love to eat at Craft. Anyway, I'm the other end of the spectrum from that blog, checking out all the mom-and-pop places...with some fancy schmancy thrown in there for good measure.
If you have any requests, or ideas, of places for me to try and review, then let me hear from you, America!